Did you know…
- The first secondary level NCCAT and NC2ML Co-creating a Vision of High Quality and Equitable Math Instruction retreat for MS and HS district teams is taking place right now! We have added a spring date at the Okracoke campus (link here). Get your team signed up today!
- The next NC DPI HS Math Content and Pedagogy Webinar is on December 10th. It is focused on “Making Factoring and Polynomial Division Make Sense with Algebra Tiles and Area Models”. Click here to learn more and to register.
- Last, but certainly not least, did you know you can sign up to get this newsletter (and all other NC2ML news) through email instead of having to wait to see it on social media. Sign up here!
The Amplifying Voices Podcast Series
Look out for a special December episode reflecting on our campaign so far! Follow us on social media to stay up to date with episode releases – or watch for them here.
December Discourse Move of the Month: Waiting
What is it and why do we use it?
Waiting – or wait time – is providing students with time to process the teacher’s question or a student’s response and think about their own response. Waiting after posing a question helps students make sense of what they hear / see and decide what to do next. It provides space for reflection and is critical to productive and powerful discourse. Waiting after a student response is also important. It not only provides time for students to make sense of what they hear, but it also makes it more likely that students’ will respond directly to their peers’ contributions. Give it a try!
More to Explore
As you plan to spice up your classroom for the second semester and get your students “talking math”, don’t forget to visit our website NC2ML for more information, examples, and resources to support the discourse moves! Here you’ll find toolkits for teaching and learning, professional development, administrative leadership, and recordings of DPI Webinars focused on the discourse moves. As always, all NC2ML resources are created for NC Teachers, by NC Teachers – the best teachers in the world!