North Carolina is a national leader in math education.
North Carolina is a national leader in math education, and The North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning (NC2ML) is working to continually advance our work in the field. Members of NC2ML conduct meaningful research on topics that are relevant and supportive of today’s educators, administrators, and district leaders.
Also visit our blog, for the latest news, events and dialogue about math education.
Wilson, P.H., Mawhinney, K., McCulloch, A., Schwartz, C., Stephan, M., Adefope, O., …, Oriowo, L. (2024). Findings from a state study of visions of high quality mathematics instruction. Greensboro, NC: North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning. (State Visions Report 2024)
Bryant, E., Duggan, A., & Martin, M. (2017). Design-based implementation research as an approach to designing virtual spaces for mathematics teacher learning. Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 534). Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
McCulloch, A., Wonsavage, F.P., Webb, J., Curtis, J., & Wilson, P.H. (2017). Creating spaces for statewide teacher collaboration: emerging practices in virtual sessions designed to support teachers in the implementation of new standards. Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 463-466). Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
Mawhinney, M., Curtis, J., Hewitt, K., McCulloch, A., Stephan, M., & Wilson, P.H. (2017). Research-practice partnerships: design based implementation research efforts on a statewide scale. Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 542). Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
Hewitt, K., Webb, J., Curtis, J. & Wilson, P.H. (2017). Leaders helping Leaders: building leadership capacity to support standards implementation. Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 487-490). Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
Wilson. P.H., McCulloch, A., Webb, J., Stephan, M., Mawhinney, K., Hewitt, K., & Curtis, J. (2017). Partnering for professional development at scale. Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1431-1434). Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
Invited National and State Presentations
Wilson, P.H., McCulloch, A., Webb, J., & Curtis, J. (2017, April). Supporting a State-Level Implementation of Mathematics Standards through Collaborative Design. Invited presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Wilson, P.H., Webb, J., & Curtis, J. (2017, March). What is Our Message? Keynote at the Spring Leadership Conference of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM). Greensboro, NC.
Wilson, P.H. (2017, January). Why Research-Practice Partnerships? Keynote presented at Computer Science For All: Researcher Practitioner Partnerships Workshop. National Science Foundation. Atlanta, GA.
National & International Presentations with Refereed Proceedings
Bryant, E., Duggan, A., & Martin, M. (2017). Design-based implementation research as an approach to designing virtual spaces for mathematics teacher learning. Poster Presentation at the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
McCulloch, A., Wonsavage, F.P., Webb, J., Curtis, J., & Wilson, P.H. (2017). Creating spaces for statewide teacher collaboration: emerging practices in virtual sessions designed to support teachers in the implementation of new standards. Presentation at the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
Mawhinney, M., Curtis, J., Hewitt, K., McCulloch, A., Stephan, M., & Wilson, P.H. (2017). Research-practice partnerships: design based implementation research efforts on a statewide scale. Poster Presentation at the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
Hewitt, K., Webb, J., Curtis, J. & Wilson, P.H. (2017). Leaders helping Leaders: building leadership capacity to support standards implementation. Presentation at the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
Wilson. P.H., McCulloch, A., Webb, J., Stephan, M., Mawhinney, K., Hewitt, K., & Curtis, J. (2017). Partnering for professional development at scale. Presentation at the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN. Purdue University.
National Presentations
Curtis, J., Wilson, P.H., Ashe, L., & Webb, J. (2017, April). Research-practice partnerships for standards implementation. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics. San Antonio, TX.
State and Local
NC2ML. (2017, April). A pitch to partner. Presentation at the annual NC Math-Science Partnership project meeting. Greensboro, NC.
Bryant, E., & Wonsavage, F.P. (2017, March). The NC Collaborative for Mathematics Learning: What should we work on together?. Presentation at the Central Regional Conference of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM). Greensboro, NC.
Bryant, E., & Wonsavage, F.P. (2017, March). The NC Collaborative for Mathematics Learning: What should we work on together?. Presentation at the Eastern Regional Conference of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM). Wilmington, NC.
Stephan, M. (2017, March). The NC Collaborative for Mathematics Learning: What should we work on together? Presentation at the Western Regional Conference of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM). Black Mountain, NC.
Wilson, P.H., Hewitt, K.K., Curtis, J., Webb, J., Buckner, S., & Baucom, l. (2017, February). Research-practice partnerships for standards implementation. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NCASCD). Pinehurst, NC.
Wilson, P.H., Curtis, J., Webb, J., Stephan, M., Mawhinney, K., McCullough, A., …Bryant, E. (2017, January). The North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning. Content Sessions presented at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction High School Math Summit. Greensboro, NC.
Wilson, P.H. (2016, October). 2016 Revisions to the North Carolina High School Mathematics Standards. Presentation at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Greensboro, NC.