Teachers: Resources for High School

The North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning (NC2ML) aims to support NC math educators in implementing the revised mathematics content standards in ways that align with what we know from research on students’ mathematical thinking, mathematics teaching, and teacher learning. To do so, we have co-designed research-based professional learning resources focused on content and pedagogy.

High School Resources Home

Professional Learning Modules

The North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning provides space for collaboration with math educators across NC as well as Professional Learning Modules to support your work. These modules focus on each unit of mathematics in a course, as well as the pedagogical skills needed to support students’ math learning. These resources are research-based, easy to follow, and include videos of NC teachers and leaders discussing standards, students’ math work, and implementation of good math tasks. All teachers affiliated with a NC Math 1, NC Math 2, or NC Math 3 have access via the “blue” button in the NC edCloud.

If you are unable to gain access, please Request Math Canvas Access on the NC DPI Mathematics Wiki. For those who did receive invitations and are having difficulty gaining access, instructions and trouble-shooting can also be found at the NC DPI Mathematics Wiki.