Leaders and Administrators:
Resources for Facilitation
The North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning (NC2ML) aims to support NC math educators in implementing the revised mathematics content standards in ways that align with what we know from research on students’ mathematical thinking, mathematics teaching, and teacher learning. To do so, we have co-designed research-based professional learning modules and briefs focused on content and pedagogy.
Facilitation Guides
The Collaborative is committed to equitable professional learning opportunities and supports for NC educators. We believe that to improve student learning, all educators in classrooms, schools, and districts should have access to resources for learning. To assist school- and district-based leaders and administrators, the Collaborative has developed a set of facilitation guides.
The purpose of the facilitation guides is to support you in working with teachers around the NC2ML Content and Pedagogy Modules and Research-Practice Briefs in Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings or other Professional Learning contexts. The guides include suggestions for activities to complete prior to face-to-face meetings as well as suggested next steps to support continued growth as teachers implement standards and pedagogical strategies in their classrooms. We encourage you to engage in conversations and group activities that best meet your group’s needs.