All mathematics students deserve to feel a sense of belonging in school and math class. Join us for an NC2ML Statewide Book Club where we will read and discuss the neuroscience behind trauma and how to develop empathy for all students in our mathematics classrooms so that each and every student is supported to flourish mathematically!
We will hold four Tuesday sessions offered both during the day and night to accommodate schedules. In order to best host these discussions, we need you to commit to either the Day or the Night Sessions. The same discussion questions will be posed in the Day and Night sessions, so if you signed up for the Day sessions and must miss one of them, email the Night Discussion Leader (TBD) to see if there is room in that night’s Zoom room.
Session 1: Oct 10 Tuesday
10:30-11:45 am
5:30-6:45 pm
Session 2: Oct 24 Tuesday
10:30-11:45 am
5:30-6:45 pm
Session 3: Nov 14 Tuesday
10:30-11:45 am
5:30-6:45 pm
Session 4: Dec 12 Tuesday
10:30-11:45 am
5:30-6:45 pm
Where: All sessions will be held via Zoom; space is limited so register as soon as possible.
Upon registration, you will be sent a Zoom link the week of each session. REGISTER HERE. We expect rich discussions that may generate change in your local context, so we highly recommend that you join with a PLC and an administrator from your school and/or district. If attending the book club with a group, you only need to fill out one registration form.
How to get the book:
There are two ways to purchase the book (audio or paperback, each around $15). The audio version (at least, the one) is read by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce Perry, with audio excerpts from some of her talk show guests. You can also download key figures from the book from the audio service. On the other hand, you may want a print version of the book to take notes.
If you have questions, email Michelle Stephan, [email protected]