Teachers: Resources for Middle Grades (6-8)

The North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning (NC2ML) aims to support NC math educators in implementing the revised mathematics content standards in ways that align with what we know from research on students’ mathematical thinking, mathematics teaching, and teacher learning. To do so, we bring together mathematics educators to co-design research-based resources and professional learning opportunities.

6-8 Resources Home

Professional Development Materials

Teachers, coaches, or district leaders who need PD materials to further their own or other teachers’ knowledge of student-centered mathematics learning can find various resources below. These are intended to be used with groups of teachers who are trying to enhance their teaching practice; however, the instructional materials that may be associated with the PD resource can also be used with students.


Linear Equation Professional Development Packet
Launching a unit on linear equations and slope
This packet contains a video of an 8th grade inclusion classroom and shows the teacher launching the unit and engaging students in inquiry about rates of change. The video zooms in on small groups and the questions that the special educator asks as she monitors small group exploration. Finally, there is a short excerpt of the regular education teacher leading a whole class discussion that draws on students' thinking and representing.
Classroom Materials

Additional ReadingsGregg, D. U. (2002). Building students' sense of linear relationships by stacking cubes. The Mathematics Teacher, 95(5), 330.Herbel-Eisenmenn, B. & Breyfogle, M. (2005). Questioning our patterns of questioning. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 10(9), 484-489.
Building a Mathematical Environment Day One
The first day of mathematics class is incredibly important for setting expectations about how to participate in mathematical discussions the remainder of the year. As such, the Instructional Framework for each grade sets aside the first week of school for this work. This packet contains a video that was taken on the very first day of the school year in one 8th grade classroom. It illustrates the specific strategies a teacher can implement to set year-long expectations about mathematics talk as students problem solve.
Professional Development Notes for Building Social NormsWORD PDF
First Day Math Talk Classroom VideoVIDEO
Transcript of VideoWORD PDF
Additional ReadingStephan, M. (2014). Establishing standards for mathematical practice. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 19(9), 532-538